Since I'm releasing a book on practical lenses and optics later this month I thought it would be fun to do a few of this year's Advent of Code puzzles using as many obscure optics features as possible!
To be clear, the goal is to be obscure, strange and excessive towards the goal of using as many optics as possible in a given solution, even if it's awkward, silly, or just plain overkill. These are NOT idiomatic Haskell solutions, nor are they intended to be. Maybe we'll both learn something along the way. Let's have some fun!
You can find today's puzzle here.
Every year of Advent of Code usually has some sort of assembly language simulator, looks like this year's came up early!
So we have a simple computer with registers which store integers, and
an instruction counter which keeps track of our current execution
location in the "program". There are two operations, addition and
multiplication, indicated by a 1
or a 2
respectively. Each of these operations will also consume the two
integers following the instruction as the addresses of its arguments,
and a final integer representing the address to store the output. We
then increment the instruction counter to the next instruction and
continue. The program halts if ever there's a 99
in the
operation address.
As usual, we'll need to start by reading in our input. Last time we
could just use words
to split the string on whitespace and
everything worked out. This time there are commas in between each int;
so we'll need a slightly different strategy. It's almost certainly
overkill for this, but I've wanting to show it off anyways; so I'll pull
in my lens-regex-pcre
library for this. If you're following along at home, make sure you have
at LEAST version
{-# LANGUAGE QuasiQuotes #-}
import Control.Lens
import Control.Lens.Regex.Text
import Data.Text.IO as TIO
solve1 :: IO ()
= do
solve1 <- TIO.readFile "./src/Y2019/day02.txt"
input <&> toMapOf ([regex|\d+|] . match . _Show @Int)
print input
>>> solve1
"1","0","0","3","1","1","2"...] [
Okay, so to break this down a bit I'm reading in the input file as
, then using <&>
(which is
flipped (<$>
)) to run the following transformation
over the result. <&>
is exported from
, but is now included in base
as part of
, I enjoy using it over <$>
from time to time, it reads more like a 'pipeline', passing things from
left to right.
This pulls out all the integers as Text
blocks, but we
still need to parse them, I'll use the unpacked
iso to
convert from Text to String, then use the same _Show
from yesterday's problem.
solve1 :: IO ()
= do
solve1 <- TIO.readFile "./src/Y2019/day02.txt"
input <&> toListOf ([regex|\d+|] . match . unpacked . _Show @Int)
print input
>>> solve1
1,0,0,3,1,1,2,3...] [
Okay, so we've loaded our register values, but from a glance at the
problem we'll need to have random access to different register values, I
won't worry about performance too much unless it becomes a problem, but
using a list seems a bit silly, so I'll switch from
into toMapOf
to build a Map out of my
results. toMapOf
uses the index of your optic as the key by
default, so I can just wrap my optic in indexing
adds an increasing integer as an index to an optic) to get a sequential
Int count as the keys for my map:
solve1 :: IO ()
= do
solve1 <- TIO.readFile "./src/Y2019/day02.txt"
input <&> toMapOf (indexing ([regex|\d+|] . match . unpacked . _Show @Int))
print input
>>> solve1
0,1),(1,0),(2,0),(3,3),(4,1)...] fromList [(
Great, we've loaded our ints into "memory".
Next step, we're told at the bottom of the program to initialize the
1st and 2nd positions in memory to specific values, yours may differ,
but it told me to set the 1st to 12
and the second to
. Easy enough to add that onto our pipeline!
<- TIO.readFile "./src/Y2019/day02.txt"
input <&> toMapOf (indexing ([regex|\d+|] . match . unpacked . _Show @Int))
<&> ix 1 .~ 12
<&> ix 2 .~ 2
That'll 'pipeline' our input through and initialize the registers correctly.
Okay, now for the hard part, we need to actually RUN our program!
Since we're emulating a stateful computer it only makes sense to use the
monad right? We've got a map to represent our
registers, but we'll need an integer for our "read-head" too. Let's say
our state is (Int, Map Int Int)
, the first slot is the
current read-address, the second is all our register values.
Let's write one iteration of our computation, then we'll figure out how to run it until the halt.
oneStep :: State (Int, M.Map Int Int) ()
= do
oneStep let loadRegister r = use (_2 . singular (ix r))
let loadNext = _1 <<+= 1 >>= loadRegister
let getArg = loadNext >>= loadRegister
<- getOp <$> loadNext <*> getArg <*> getArg
out <- loadNext
outputReg . ix outputReg .= out
getOp :: Int -> (Int -> Int -> Int)
1 = (+)
getOp 2 = (*)
getOp = error $ "unknown op-code: " <> show n getOp n
Believe it or not, that's one step of our computation, let's break it down!
We define a few primitives we'll use at the beginning of the block.
First is loadRegister
. loadRegister
takes a
register 'address' and gets the value stored there. use
like get
from MonadState
, but allows us to get
a specific piece of the state as focused by a lens. We use
to get the value at a specific key out of the map (which
is in the second slot of the tuple, hence the _2
). However,
ix r
is a traversal, not a lens, we could either switch to
which returns a Maybe
-wrapped result,
or we can use singular
to force the result
and simply crash the whole program if its missing. Since we know our
input is valid, I'll just go ahead and force it.
Probably don't do this if you're building a REAL intcode computer :P
Next is loadNext
, this fetches the current read-location
from the first slot, then loads the value at that register. There's a
bit of a trick here though, we load the read-location with
_1 <<+= 1
; this performs the += 1
to the location, which increments it by one (we've 'consumed' the
current instruction), but the leading <<
says to
return the value there before altering it. This lets us
cleanly get and increment the read-location all in one step. We then
load the value in the current location using
We lastly combine these two combinators to build getArg
which gets the value at the current read-location, then loads the
register at that address.
We can combine these all now! We loadNext
to get the
opcode, converting it to a Haskell function using getOp
then thread that computation through our two arguments getting an output
Now we can load the output register (which will be the next value at
our read-location), and simply _2 . ix outputReg .= result
to stash it in the right spot.
If you haven't seen these lensy MonadState
before, they're pretty cool. They basically let us write python-style
code in Haskell!
Okay, now let's add this to our pipeline! If we weren't still inside
the IO
monad we could use &~
to chain
directly through the MonadState
(&~) :: s -> State s a -> s
Unfortunately there's no <&~>
combinator, so
we'll have to move our pipeline out of IO
for that. Not so
tough to do though:
solve1 :: IO ()
= do
solve1 <- TIO.readFile "./src/Y2019/day02.txt"
input let result = input
& toMapOf (indexing ([regex|\d+|] . match . unpacked . _Show @Int))
& ix 1 .~ 12
& ix 2 .~ 2
& (,) 0
&~ do
let loadRegister r = use (_2 . singular (ix r))
let loadNext = _1 <<+= 1 >>= loadRegister
let getArg = loadNext >>= loadRegister
<- getOp <$> loadNext <*> getArg <*> getArg
out <- loadNext
outputReg . ix outputReg .= out
_2 print result
This runs ONE iteration of our program, but we'll need to run the
program until completion! The perfect combinator for this is
untilM :: Monad m => m a -> m Bool -> m [a]
This let's us write it something like this:
&~ flip untilM ((==99) <$> (use _1 >>= loadRegister)) $ do ...
This would run our computation step repeatedly until it hits the
instruction. However, untilM
is in the
library, and I don't feel like waiting for that
to install, so instead we'll just use recursion.
Hrmm, using recursion here would require me to name my expression, so
we could just use a let
expression like this to explicitly
recurse until we hit 99
&~ let loop = do
let loadRegister r = use (_2 . singular (ix r))
let loadNext = _1 <<+= 1 >>= loadRegister
let getArg = loadNext >>= loadRegister
<- getOp <$> loadNext <*> getArg <*> getArg
out <- loadNext
outputReg . ix outputReg .= out
_2 >>= loadRegister >>= \case
use _1 99 -> return ()
-> loop
_ in loop
But the let loop = ... in loop
construct is kind of
annoying me, not huge fan.
Clearly the right move is to use anonymous recursion! (/sarcasm)
We can /simplify/ this by using fix
fix :: (a -> a) -> a
&~ fix (\continue -> do
let loadRegister r = use (_2 . singular (ix r))
let loadNext = _1 <<+= 1 >>= loadRegister
let getArg = loadNext >>= loadRegister
<- getOp <$> loadNext <*> getArg <*> getArg
out <- loadNext
outputReg . ix outputReg .= out
_2 >>= loadRegister >>= \case
use _1 99 -> return ()
-> continue
_ )
Beautiful right? Well... some might disagree :P, but definitely fun and educational!
I'll leave you to study the arcane arts of fix
on your
own, but here's a teaser. Working with fix
is similar to
explicit recursion, you assume that you already have
your result, then you can use it in your computation. In this case, we
assume that continue
is a state action which will
loop until the program halts, so we do one step of the computation and
then hand off control to continue
which will magically
solve the rest. It's basically identical to the
let ... in
version, but more obtuse and harder to read, so
obviously we'll keep it!
If we slot this in it'll run the computation until it hits a
, and &~
returns the resulting state, so
all we need to do is view the first instruction location of our
registers to get our answer!
solve1 :: IO ()
= do
solve1 <- TIO.readFile "./src/Y2019/day02.txt"
input print $ input
& toMapOf (indexing ([regex|\d+|] . match . unpacked . _Show @Int))
& ix 1 .~ 12
& ix 2 .~ 2
& (,) 0
&~ fix (\continue -> do
let loadRegister r = use (_2 . singular (ix r))
let loadNext = _1 <<+= 1 >>= loadRegister
let getArg = loadNext >>= loadRegister
<- getOp <$> loadNext <*> getArg <*> getArg
out <- loadNext
outputReg . ix outputReg .= out
_2 >>= loadRegister >>= \case
use _1 99 -> return ()
-> continue
)& view (_2 . singular (ix 0))
>>> solve1
<my answer>
Honestly, aside from the intentional obfuscation it turned out okay!
Part 2
Just in case you haven't solved the first part on your own, the
second part says we now need to find a specific memory
initialization which results in a specific
answer after running the computer. We need to find the exact values to
put into slots 1 and 2 which result in this number, in my case:
Let's see what we can do! First I'll refactor the code from step 1 so it accepts some parameters
solveSingle :: M.Map Int Int -> Int -> Int -> Int
solveSingle registers noun verb
registers& ix 1 .~ noun
& ix 2 .~ verb
& (,) 0
&~ fix (\continue -> do
let loadRegister r = use (_2 . singular (ix r))
let loadNext = _1 <<+= 1 >>= loadRegister
let getArg = loadNext >>= loadRegister
<- getOp <$> loadNext <*> getArg <*> getArg
out <- loadNext
outputReg . ix outputReg .= out
_2 >>= loadRegister >>= \case
use _1 99 -> return ()
-> continue
)& view (_2 . singular (ix 0))
That was pretty painless. Now we need to construct some thingamabob which runs this with different 'noun' and 'verb' numbers (that's what the puzzle calls them) until it gets the answer we need. Unless we want to do some sort of crazy analysis of how this computer works at a theoretical level, we'll have to just brute force it. There're only 10,000 combinations, so it should be fine. We can collect all possibilities using a simple list comprehension:
| noun <- [0..99], verb <- [0..99]] [(noun, verb)
We need to run the computer on each possible set of inputs, which
amounts to simply calling solveSingle
on them:
solve2 :: IO ()
= do
solve2 <- TIO.readFile "./src/Y2019/day02.txt"
registers <&> toMapOf (indexing ([regex|\d+|] . match . unpacked . _Show @Int))
print $ [(noun, verb) | noun <- [0..99], verb <- [0..99]]
^.. traversed . to (uncurry (solveSingle registers))
>>> solve2
29891,29892,29893,29894,29895,29896,29897,29898,29899,29900...] [
This prints out the answers to every possible combination, but we
need to find a specific combination!
We can easily find the answer by using
, or only
or even findOf
these are all valid:
>>> [(noun, verb) | noun <- [0..99], verb <- [0..99]]
^? traversed . to (uncurry (solveSingle registers)) . filtered (== 19690720)
Just 19690720
-- `only` is like `filtered` but searches for a specific value
>>> [(noun, verb) | noun <- [0..99], verb <- [0..99]]
^? traversed . to (uncurry (solveSingle registers)) . only 19690720
Just 19690720
>>> findOf
. to (uncurry (solveSingle registers)) . only 19690720)
(traversed | noun <- [0..99], verb <- [0..99]]
[(noun, verb) Just 19690720
These all work, but the tricky part is that we don't actually care
about the answer, we already know that! What we need is the arguments we
passed in to get that answer. There are many ways to do
this, but my first thought is to just stash the
arguments away where we can get them later. Indexes are great for this
sort of thing (I cover tricks using indexed optics in my book). We can
stash a value into the index using selfIndex
, and
it'll be carried alongside the rest of your computation for you! There's
the handy findIndexOf
combinator which will find the index
of the first value which matches your predicate (in this case, the
answer is equal to our required output).
Here's the magic incantation:
. selfIndex . to (uncurry (solveSingle registers)))
findIndexOf (traversed == 19690720)
(| noun <- [0..99], verb <- [0..99]] [(noun, verb)
This gets us super-duper close, but the problem says we actually need
to run the following transformation over our arguments to get the real
answer: (100 * noun) + verb
. We could easily do it
after running findIndexOf
, but just to be
ridiculous, we'll do it inline! We're stashing our "answer" in the
index, so that's where we need to run the transformation. We can use
to run a transformation over the index of an
optic, so if we alter selfIndex
(which stashes the value
into the index) then we can map the index through the
-> (100 * noun) + verb) selfIndex reindexed (\(noun, verb)
That does it!
Altogether now, here's the entire solution for the second part:
getOp :: Int -> (Int -> Int -> Int)
1 = (+)
getOp 2 = (*)
getOp = error $ "unknown op-code: " <> show n
getOp n
solveSingle :: M.Map Int Int -> Int -> Int -> Int
solveSingle registers noun verb
registers& ix 1 .~ noun
& ix 2 .~ verb
& (,) 0
&~ fix (\continue -> do
let loadRegister r = use (_2 . singular (ix r))
let loadNext = _1 <<+= 1 >>= loadRegister
let getArg = loadNext >>= loadRegister
<- getOp <$> loadNext <*> getArg <*> getArg
out <- loadNext
outputReg . ix outputReg .= out
_2 >>= loadRegister >>= \case
use _1 99 -> return ()
-> continue
)& view (_2 . singular (ix 0))
solvePart2 :: IO ()
= do
solvePart2 <- TIO.readFile "./src/Y2019/day02.txt"
registers <&> toMapOf (indexing ([regex|\d+|] . match . unpacked . _Show @Int))
print $ findIndexOf ( traversed
. reindexed (\(noun, verb) -> (100 * noun) + verb) selfIndex
. to (uncurry (solveSingle registers)))
== 19690720)
(| noun <- [0..99], verb <- [0..99]] [(noun, verb)
This was a surprisingly tricky problem for only day 2, but we've gotten through it okay! Today we learned about:
: for precisely extracting texttoMapOf
: for building maps from an indexed fold&~
: for running state monads as part of a pipeline<&>
: for pipelining data within a context,<<+=
: for simultaneous modification AND access using lenses in MonadStatefix
: using fix for anonymous recursion (just for fun)selfIndex
: for stashing values till laterreindexed
: for editing indicesfindIndexOf
: for getting the index of a value matching a predicate
Hopefully at least one of those was new for you! Maybe tomorrows will be easier :)
Hopefully you learned something 🤞! If you did, please consider checking out my book: It teaches the principles of using optics in Haskell and other functional programming languages and takes you all the way from an beginner to wizard in all types of optics! You can get it here. Every sale helps me justify more time writing blog posts like this one and helps me to continue writing educational functional programming content. Cheers!