After listening to the latest Magic Read-along episode
"You should watch
this" (which you should go listen to now) I got caught up thinking
about Brian's idea of an Endomorphism version of Kleisli composition for
use with Redux,
it's actually a very similar model to what I'm using in my event framework for event
listeners so I figured I'd try to formalize the pattern and recognize
some of the concepts involved. They talk about the idea of a
Redux-reducer, which is usually of type
s -> Action -> s
, it takes a state and an action and
returns a new state. He then re-arranged the arguments to
Action -> s -> s
. He then recognized this as
Action -> Endo s
(an Endo-morphism is just any function
from one type to itself: a -> a
). He would take his list
of reducers and partially apply them with the Action
yielding a list of type Endo s
where s
is the
state object the reducer operates over. At this point we can use the
Monoid instance Endo
has defined, so we foldmap with Endo
to combine the list of reducers into a sort of pipeline where each
function feeds into the next; the Endo instance of Monoid is just
function composition over functions which return the same type as their
This cleans up the interface of the reducers a fair amount, but what
about an alternate kind of Endo
which uses Kleisli
composition instead of normal function composition? Kleisli
composition often referenced as (>=>); takes two functions
which return monads and composes them together using the underlying
bind/flatmap of the Monad. The type of Kleisli composition is:
(>=>) :: Monad m => (a -> m b) -> (b -> m c) -> a -> m c
If we could define a nice Endo-style monoid over this type then we could
compose reducers like we did above, but also allow the functions to
perform monadic effects (which is a bad idea in Redux, but there are
other times this would be useful, imagine running a user through a
pipeline of transformations which interact with a database or do some
error handling). We can easily define this instance like so:
import Control.Monad
newtype KEndo m a = KEndo
getKEndo :: (a -> m a) }
instance Monad m => Monoid (KEndo m a) where
mempty = KEndo return
KEndo a) `mappend` (KEndo b) = KEndo (a >=> b) (
This is great, now if we have a list of functions of some type
[User -> Writer Error User]
or something we can use
foldmap to combine them into a single function! It works like this:
actions :: [User -> Writer Error User]
= [...]
pipeline :: User -> Writer Error User
= getKEndo . foldMap KEndo $ actions pipeline
The whole Kleisli Endo thing is a cool idea; but this thing has
actually been done before! It's actually the same as the StateT
state monad transformer from mtl; let's see how we can make the
comparison. A generic Endo is of type s -> s
, this is
isomorphic to s -> ((), s)
, aka State s ()
The trick is that the Kleisli Endo (s -> m s
or by
isomorphism s -> m ((), s)
) can actually be generalized
over the ()
to s -> m (a, s)
incidentally matches
runStateT :: StateT s m a -> s -> m (a, s)
So basically KEndo is isomorphic to StateT, but we'd still like a monoid instance for it, Gabriel shows a monoid over the IO monad in "Applied category theory and abstract algebra", the Monoid he shows actually generalizes to any monad as this instance:
instance (Monad m, Monoid a) => Monoid (m a) where
mempty = return mempty
`mappend` mb = do
ma <- ma
a <- mb
b return (a `mappend` b)
So that means we can use this instance for StateT (which is a monad).
Since ()
is a trivial monoid (where every mappend just
returns ()
) the simple case is State s ()
which was our KEndo
of s -> ((), s)
but now
we have the Monoid instance, which behaves the same as the
instance, so we don't need KEndo
anymore. If we want to allow arbitrary effects we use the Transformer
version: StateT s m ()
where m
is a monad
containing any additional effects we want. In addition to being able to
add additional effects we also gain the ability to aggregate information
as a monoid! If you decided you wanted your reducers to also aggregate
some form of information, then they'd be:
Monoid a => Action -> s -> (a, s)
, which is
Action -> State s a
, and if a
is a monoid,
then the monoid instance of State
acts like Endo, but also
aggregates the 'a's along the way!
Lastly we recognize that in the case of the Redux Reducers, if we
have a whole list of reducers: Action -> State s ()
we can rephrase it as the ReaderT Monad:
ReaderT Action (State s) ()
, which maintains all of the
nice monoids we've set up so far, and becomes even more composable!
Hopefully you learned something 🤞! If you did, please consider checking out my book: It teaches the principles of using optics in Haskell and other functional programming languages and takes you all the way from an beginner to wizard in all types of optics! You can get it here. Every sale helps me justify more time writing blog posts like this one and helps me to continue writing educational functional programming content. Cheers!